Contemporary Philippine Arts From The regions first examination with TOS

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Table of Specification



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Identifies various contemporary art forms and their practices from the various regions. CAR11/12IAC-0a- 1









Discuss various art forms found in the Philippines CAR11/12IAC-0b-2




10,11,12,13,14,15, 16





Researches on various contemporary art forms. CAR11/12CAP-)c-e3









Explains Filipino artists’ roles and identify their contribution to contemporary arts  CAR11/12caP-0c-e-4





33, 34,35




Evaluates contemporary art forms based on the elements and principles  CAR11/12CAP-0c-e-5









Compares forms of arts from the different regions CAR11/12CAP-0c-e6









 Interprets and relates the significance of arts forms from the regions CAR/11/12CAP0-ce-7









Promotes arts from the regions CAR/11/12CAP0ce-8

















General Instructions

1. The exam paper contains 60 questions, requiring completion within a strict one-hour time frame.

2. The answer must be given solely through letters, without interchanging between numbers and letters for examination purposes.

3. Please provide your surname, first name, grade, and section.

4. It is imperative not to make any marks on the exam paper; instead, use the provided answer sheet.

5.  Erase to answers can be made by erasing neatly. And kindly  ensure you use only a black pen.

Fernando Amorsolo is an artist who is not only a graphic designer but also a logo designer. What was the name of the logo created by Amorsolo?

a. Shell logo

b. Ginebra San Miguel

C. Coca Cola logo

D. Tanduay Logo

It is a musical formed based on Catholic faith which focuses of Christ's passion chanted in an improvised melody.

a. Pasyon 

b. Sinakulo

c. Sarswela 

d.  Kundiman

Which element of art would be most important to consider when creating a collage?

a) Shape b) Color c) Texture d) Space


What famous place  is known as the home to numerous galleries and collections, such as those owned by legendary collectors who have works from the Philippines' greatest masters like Napoleon Abueva, Vicente Manansala, Ang Kiukok, and H.R. Ocampo, among others.

A. Cebu B. Bulacan C. Manila D. Leyte


If an artist is primarily working with paint, canvas, and other visual elements, which major art form does their work fall under in the context of Philippine Contemporary Art?


a. Performing Arts b. Literary Arts

c. Visual Arts d. Media Arts

In the context of the principles of arts, what does the term "emphasis" refer to?

a. To achieve the harmony in a composition

b. Creating a focal point or area of interest

c. Establishing the real sense of proportion

d. To enhancing the importance use of color


One of the paintings features a carefully arranged composition where elements on one side of the canvas mirror those on the other, creating a sense of stability. Which principle of arts is highlighted in this balanced arrangement?


a. Proportion b. Balance c. Movement d. Unity


8.A native dance forms from the movement of sea birds.

a. Pangalay dance (Sulu)

b. Tinikling

c.  Talip Dance

d.  Ma-manok dance

In the exhibited paintings, the artist uses a repetitive pattern of brushstrokes and colors to create a sense of organized movement. What principle of arts is most evident in this technique?


a. Harmony b. Rhythm c. Emphasis d. Contrast


In what principle of art focuses on the relationship between elements to create a sense of completeness and wholeness?

A. Unity B.Movement C.Proportion D. Contrast


An artist has been commissioned to create a large-scale artwork on the side of a building in the city center. What form of painting is most appropriate for this project?

A. Easel painting B. Telon Painting C. Murals   D.Collage


A painter is setting up their canvas on a portable stand in their studio, intending to create a detailed landscape painting. What form of painting is the artist practicing?

A. Murals B.Easel painting C. Collage D. Telon Painting



  A traditional theater performance is about to begin, and colorful backdrops are being used to set the stage for various scenes. What form of painting is employed to create these backdrops?

A. Murals b. Easel painting c. Telon Painting d. Collage


In which sculpture form are figures or designs carved or molded onto a flat surface, often found on walls or monuments?


a) Free-standing b) Relief c) Kinetic sculpture d) Welded sculpture


 What kind of sculpture utilizes movement as an integral part of the artwork, often using mechanical components?

a) Assemblage b) Kinetic sculpture c) Welded sculpture d) Free-standing


Which sculpture type involves the joining of metal pieces through fusion, typically using heat?


a) Assemblage b) Relief c) Kinetic sculpture d) Welded sculpture

Amidst a gallery showcasing Philippine contemporary arts, the Grade 11students  come across a digital art installation featuring interactive elements that respond to the movements of the audience. This innovative piece explores the intersection of technology and culture. What element of Philippine contemporary art is most prominently featured in this artwork?

a. Space: The interactive elements create a dynamic use of both positive and negative space within the digital art installation.

b. Form: The integration of interactive technology and cultural elements emphasizes the artist's focus on three-dimensional form.

c. Color: The vibrant digital palette contributes to the visual impact of the artwork, showcasing the artist's emphasis on color.

d. Texture: The incorporation of interactive elements provides a unique tactile experience, highlighting the significance of texture in the artwork.

 SPA students  of CNHS presented a series of paintings inspired by the rich folklore and mythology of the Philippines. Each canvas depicted mythological creatures and symbolic elements intertwined with contemporary themes. What element of Philippine contemporary art is most evident in these paintings?

a. Balance: The careful arrangement of mythological and contemporary elements creates visual harmony and balance in the paintings.

b. Shape: The distinct shapes and forms of mythological creatures contribute to the artist's focus on shape within the paintings.

c. Value: The contrast between traditional mythological elements and contemporary themes emphasizes the artist's exploration of value.

d. Proportion: The size relationships between mythological figures and modern symbols demonstrate the artist's attention to proportion in the paintings.

 What element of art would be most important to consider when creating a collage?

a) Shape     b) Color         c) Texture              d) Space

 What famous place  is known as the home to numerous galleries and collections, such as those owned by legendary collectors who have works from the Philippines' greatest masters like Napoleon Abueva, Vicente Manansala, Ang Kiukok, and H.R. Ocampo, among others.

A. Cebu B. Bulacan C. Manila D. Leyte

. If an artist is primarily working with paint, canvas, and other visual elements, which major art form does their work fall under in the context of Philippine Contemporary Art?

a. Performing Arts          b. Literary Arts        c. Visual Arts                  d. Media Arts

 In the context of the principles of arts, what does the term "emphasis" refer to?

a. To achieve the harmony in a composition

b. Creating a focal point or area of interest

c. Establishing the real sense of proportion

d. To enhancing the importance use of color


 One of the paintings features a carefully arranged composition where elements on one side of the canvas mirror those on the other, creating a sense of stability. Which principle of arts is highlighted in this balanced arrangement?

a. Proportion      b. Balance     c. Movement      d. Unity

 How does contemporary art differ from traditional art?

a. Contemporary art focuses on historical themes, while traditional art explores modern concepts and other related issues.

b. Traditional art uses only classical techniques, while contemporary art embraces a wide range of mediums and styles.

c. Contemporary art is created and forms by famous artists, while traditional art is produced by emerging talents and skilful persons.

d. Traditional art is only found in museums, while contemporary art is displayed in various spaces and often reflects current societal issues. 

In what principle of art focuses on the relationship between elements to create a sense of completeness and wholeness?

A. Unity     B.Movement          C.Proportion      D. Contrast

 An artist has been commissioned to create a large-scale artwork on the side of a building in the city center. What form of painting is most appropriate for this project?

A. Easel painting B. Telon Painting C. Murals   D.Collage

 A painter is setting up their canvas on a portable stand in their studio, intending to create a detailed landscape painting. What form of painting is the artist practicing?

A. Murals     B.Easel painting         C. Collage         D. Telon Painting

 A traditional theater performance is about to begin, and colorful backdrops are being used to set the stage for various scenes. What form of painting is employed to create these backdrops?

A. Murals                b. Easel painting     c. Telon Painting         d. Collage

 In which sculpture form are figures or designs carved or molded onto a flat surface, often found on walls or monuments?

a) Free-standing         b) Relief         c) Kinetic sculpture         d) Welded sculpture

 What kind of sculpture utilizes movement as an integral part of the artwork, often using mechanical components?

a) Assemblage b) Kinetic sculpture c) Welded sculpture d) Free-standing


 Which sculpture type involves the joining of metal pieces through fusion, typically using heat?

a) Assemblage          b) Relief         c) Kinetic sculpture         d) Welded sculpture


 In CNHS stage production is being prepared every programs, and large painted backdrops are used to depict various scenes. What form of painting is commonly employed to create these theatrical backgrounds?

a Collage         b Easel painting         C. Murals         D. Telon Painting

 Which is not true about embroidery?

a) Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn.

b) Embroidery can only be done by hand; machines cannot replicate the intricate designs.

c) Embroidery involves stitching patterns, designs, or pictures onto a base material to create decorative embellishments.

d) Embroidery can be found on clothing, accessories, household items, and religious artifacts, but it is not used for decorative art purposes.


  Which situation best describes a child engaging in pottery for contemporary arts?

a) A child participates in a painting class using watercolors to create landscapes.

b) A child joins a group of peers to mold clay into abstract sculptures inspired.

c) A child learns traditional embroidery techniques to create patterns on fabric.

d) A child attends a photography workshop to capture images of urban landscapes.


Which is not true about metalcraft?

a) Metalcraft involves shaping and manipulating metal to create various objects or artworks.

b) Metalcraft can include techniques such as welding, forging, casting, and engraving.

c) Metalcraft is primarily used for creating delicate and intricate paper-based artworks.

d) Metalcraft has been practiced for centuries and is found in cultures around the world.


Which of the following best describes the process of analyzing various contemporary art works?

A. Judging the artworks based on personal tastes and preferences by making progress globally and literally accepted.

B.  Assessing the value of the artworks based on their price in the art market.

C.  Identifying the medium and techniques used without considering the context or meaning of contemporary arts.

D. Understanding the artist's intent, cultural and historical context, and interpreting the thematic significance of work.

 As a student, which of the following examples best represents the creation of practical arts or utilitarian arts?

A) Performing a classical piano piece at a recital

B) Designing a sustainable and energy-efficient building

C) Creating a abstract painting using various colors and shapes

D) Writing a fictional short story with imaginative characters

 What is a significant advantage or use of Various Contemporary Art Forms?

a) Preserving cultural heritage and traditions.

b) Generating immediately financial profit for artists to grow.

c) Limiting creative expression within established boundaries.

d) Reinforcing conformity to societal norms.

What is the best role do Various Contemporary Art Forms play in social cohesion?

a) They isolate individuals and create divisions within communities for progress.

b) They encourage apathy and indifference towards social issues  diverse.

c) They facilitate dialogue and promote empathy among diverse groups.

d) They prioritize individualism over collective well-being can create new thing.

24. Agriculture is equally vital for our economy. What is the primary use of agricultural art in farming?

A) Creating visually appealing crop fields and maintain in good purpose

B) Managing pests and diseases in crops to harvest in good quality

C) Designing sustainable farm buildings using social media platforms.

D) Applying scientific principles to cultivate crops efficiently

25. In what ways do Various Contemporary Art Forms benefit mental health and well-being?

a) By exacerbating stress and anxiety through controversial themes and loudable

b) By offering avenues for emotional expression and catharsis

c) By fostering true feelings of isolation and alienation

d) By promoting unhealthy competition and comparison but generally accepted

26. Imagine you are attending an art gallery exhibition featuring works created through collaborations between artists and corporate sponsors. As you explore the exhibit, you notice pieces that seamlessly integrate branding elements and commercial motifs, blurring the lines between art and commerce. Reflecting on this experience, you contemplate the impact of Business Art on our understanding of its role in contemporary society.

Considering the scenario described, which statement best reflects the impact of Business Art on our understanding of its role nowadays?

a) Business Art commodifies creativity, diminishing its intrinsic value and undermining artistic integrity.

b) Business Art fosters greater accessibility to art by bringing it into mainstream commercial spaces, expanding its reach and impact for the good of people  and the modernity.

c) Business Art reinforces elitist notions of culture, catering primarily to affluent patrons and corporate interests of individual to understand and promote for eco-friendly business.

d) Business Art challenges traditional boundaries between artistic expression and commercial enterprise, prompting critical discourse on the intersection of art and capitalism.

27. What is the nearest term for "Clinical Art"?

a) Psychotherapy        b) Art Therapy        c) Medical Illustration        d) Aesthetic Medicine

28. What role do modern famous artists and their artwork play in contemporary society?

a) Preservation of cultural heritage and traditions

b) Advocacy for social justice and political change

c) Reinforcement of traditional values and norms

d) Isolation of artistic expression from societal concerns

29. During the Japanese era, how might the role of modern famous artists and their artwork affect the lifestyle and disadvantage the Filipino people?

a) By promoting cultural exchange and appreciation

b) By challenging oppressive systems and advocating for human rights

c) By reinforcing colonial ideologies and erasing indigenous culture

d) By fostering unity and solidarity among diverse communities

30. What is a disadvantage of Modern Era (Neo-Realism, Abstraction Modern styles) arts in the Philippines?

a) Limited accessibility to international art markets

b) Preservation of traditional Filipino artistic techniques

c) Marginalization of indigenous cultural expressions

d) Promotion of cultural diversity and inclusivity

31. What is the famous work of Felipe P. de Leon, the composer?

a) "Bayan Ko" or Awit sa Paglikha ng Bagong Pilipino

b) "Sa Ugoy ng Duyan" or doomed family

c) "Anak" and Bombing of the Intendencia story

d) "Kalesa" and sa kabukiran

> 32. New Society or Bagong Lipunan, built by Marcos, focused on rebirthing lost civilization and aspiring to modernization and development. The main vision was to combine various disciplines such as fine arts, architecture, interior design, tourism, convention city building, engineering, urban planning, health, and many others through an art and culture program. What is the best ideology about this?

a) Cultural preservation and heritage conservation

b) Promotion of indigenous arts and crafts for natural preservation 

c) Emphasis on international collaboration and exchange

d) Integration of arts and culture into national development

33. Another strand of Modern art is abstraction. What is the best implication for young students to adapt this kind of arts and skills?

a) Enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities

b) Limiting creativity and stifling artistic expression

c) Fostering conformity and adherence to established norms

d) Encouraging reliance on traditional techniques and methods

34. For contemporary arts of the Philippines, many cultural projects ensued amid the backdrop of poverty and volatile social conditions under the leadership of Ferdinand Marcos and Imelda Marcos in 1965. How should the new concept of acceptance be applicable to us in this situation?

a) By rejecting all forms of governmental involvement in the arts

b) By embracing diversity and inclusivity in artistic expression

c) By ignoring societal issues and focusing solely on artistic pursuits

d) By promoting censorship and restricting artistic freedom

35. What aspects of the traditional or academic, modern, or the contemporary are you inclined toward and how would thus be evoked in your work?

a) Embracing traditional techniques and themes to honor cultural heritage and natural resources

b) Experimenting with modern concepts and materials to push artistic boundaries

c) Incorporating contemporary issues and techniques to reflect current societal trends

d) Rejecting established norms and styles to pursue a completely unique artistic vision

36. Contemporary era teaches us about social realism. Our forefathers and artists might experience bumpy and cranky along their journey on these eras but nevertheless it inspired and motivated them to pursue their passion in arts, thus it gives us a clear explanation have the so-called contemporary arts. How can we create a new aspect of this cycle of knowing into reality?

a) By embracing traditional method, approaches and techniques to preserve cultural heritage

b) By promoting collaboration and dialogue among artists from diverse backgrounds

c) By rejecting contemporary trends and focusing solely on historical art forms to modernize 

d) By isolating ourselves make new from societal issues and creating art in a vacuum 

37. What is the best describe of pros and poetry ?

a) Prose typically follows a structured and expressive form, while the poetry often allows for more adjustable and flexibility in expression.

b) Prose uses rhyme and meter to create rhythm, while poetry focuses on conveying ideas in a straightforward manner.

c) Prose is often used in storytelling and narrative forms, while poetry emphasizes the use of literary devices such as imagery and symbolism.

d) Prose is primarily written in free verse and detailed sentence structure, while poetry is typically written in paragraphs or blocks of text.

38. What is figurative language?

a) Language that is literal and straightforward with the power of masterpiece, conveying information without embellishment.

b) Language that uses symbols and metaphors to convey meanings beyond the literal interpretation of words.

c) Language that is abstract and difficult to understand, often used in philosophical texts to know how totally to master in reality. 

d) Language that is ornate and flowery, used primarily in formal or poetic contexts that can feel in  love to us for more acceptable. 

 What is the nearest term to understand, in layman's terms, about the word "epic"?

a) A long and heroic narrative poem, often involving gods, heroes, and grand adventures.

b) A small and amusing anecdote shared among friends that can use in social media platforms. 

c) A fast-paced action movie  that can  related in old concept with thrilling stunts and special effects.

traightforward summary of a historical event.

 What are the elements of music?

a) Melody, rhythm, harmony, texture, and form

b) Color, shape, line, form, and texture

c) Pitch, volume, timbre, tempo, and dynamics

d) Plot, character, setting, theme, and conflict

What is the importance of komiks?

a) Komiks serve as a form of entertainment, providing readers with engaging stories and visuals.

b) Komiks are essential for promoting literacy and language development among  the readers.

c) Komiks often convey cultural and social commentary, addressing important issues in society.

d) Komiks play in public a crucial role in preserving historical events and traditional folklore.

 How can you apply a modern concept about real-life situations that can resonate with us using films and theater?

a) By creating thought-provoking narratives that address contemporary societal issues and challenges.

b) By strictly adhering to traditional storytelling methods and approach and avoiding controversial topics.

c) By focusing solely on entertainment value without delving into deeper themes or messages to inculcate to anyone.

d) By utilizing outdated techniques and tropes that no longer reflect the realities of modern life in doing good so.

How have the forms and types of films advanced in this technological-driven approach for more pinnacle works, including animation, fantasy, action, and drama?

a) By incorporating cutting-edge special effects and CGI to create immersive visual experiences.

b) By relying solely on traditional filmmaking techniques to maintain authenticity and integrity.

c) By prioritizing spectacle over storytelling, resulting in shallow and superficial narratives.

d) By disregarding genre conventions and experimenting with avant-garde storytelling methods.

Mara loves music as a means to express her feelings and skills. She wants to be part of a chorale group that can leverage her talents, as she excels in melody and rhythm. However, Mara lacks the strength to pursue actualization. How can Mara create a unified composition to showcase her talents?

a) By collaborating with other chorale members who can provide support and guidance in the composition process.

b) By solely focusing on her strengths in melody and rhythm and ignoring her lack of motivation.

c) By seeking professional assistance from a music therapist to overcome her barriers to actualization.

d) By abandoning her aspirations for chorale involvement and pursuing a different form of musical expression.

What is the difference between a novel and a short story?

a) Novels typically have fewer characters and a simpler plot compared to short stories.

b) Novels are shorter in length and focus on a single event or theme, while short stories explore multiple themes over a longer narrative.

c) Novels are typically more concise and focused on a single plotline, while short stories allow for greater brevity and experimentation.

d) Novels often have more complex character development and multiple subplots, while short stories focus on a single event or idea.

 What is the best describes the comparison of forms of arts from different regions?

a) Forms of arts from different regions are often identical due to globalization and cultural homogenization.

b) Forms of arts from different regions vary significantly due to unique cultural influences and historical contexts.

c) Forms of arts from different regions are limited to traditional mediums and techniques, lacking innovation or diversity.

d) Forms of arts from different regions are exclusively influenced by Western artistic styles and conventions.

 What is "bulul" in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)?

a) A a God that can guide for the type of traditional dance for love and affections.

b) A sacred ritual performed during harvest festivals in CAR to represent the harvest. 

c) An indigenous deity or ancestral figure represented in wooden sculptures

d) A traditional costume worn during ceremonial occasions in CAR for God's

 What is a "Hagabi" in Ifugao culture?

a) A type of traditional musical instrument made of wood.

b) A ceremonial headdress worn by tribal leaders made of classic wood

c) A wooden bench used for important rituals and ceremonies

d) A sacred plant used in medicinal practices for the God. 

. What is a "Malong" in Maranao culture of Lanao del Sur?

a) A traditional dance to performed during natural weddings

b) A type of ceremonial mask worn during religious festivals

c) A colorful tubular garment worn by both men and women

d) A sacred text written concept ancient script for weddings

 Which statement is true regarding the diversity of forms of arts across regions?

a) All regions produce identical forms of art due to globalization and technological.

b) Each region's art is unique, reflecting its distinct cultural heritage and traditions.

c) Regions often copy one another's art without modification or innovation progress.

d) Artistic diversity across regions  in the philippines is diminishing due to modernization.

 How do artists from different regions in the Philippines contribute to the nation's cultural identity?

a) By conforming strictly to Western philippine regions to uplift the artistic standards

b) By preserving and celebrating their region's cultural heritage through their art

c) By ignoring regional differences and need to promote a homogeneous artistic style

d) By prioritizing international recognition over local cultural values for views. 

Which is the best ornamentation practice for representations of various ethnolinguistic groups that can enrich our lifestyle?

a) Incorporating traditional textiles and patterns into clothing and accessories.

b) Using modern materials and designs that make deviate from cultural traditions.

c) Avoiding ornamentation altogether to promote minimalist aesthetics styles.

d) Replicating foreign cultural symbols without regard for authenticity and values.

 When designing a new technological app for young students to compare forms of arts from different regions, what feature that can create advantage would be most user-friendly?

a) An interactive map interface where users can click on regions to explore their unique art forms.

b) A chatbot providing instant information and explanations about various art styles and techniques.

c) A game mode allowing users to earn points by correctly identifying artworks and their origins.

d) A customizable profile section where users can track their progress and favorite artworks.

 When designing a new technological app that compares forms of arts from different regions, what feature would be most engaging for users?

a) Virtual tours allowing users to explore art galleries and museums worldwide.

b) Interactive timelines highlighting the evolution of art movements across regions.

c) Social networking features enabling users to connect with artists and art enthusiasts globally.

d) Personalized quizzes testing users' knowledge of art history and cultural significance.

In developing a new technological app that compares forms of arts from different regions, what aspect would be most beneficial for users?

a) Providing historical context and cultural significance of each art form.

b) Incorporating virtual reality to offer immersive experiences of art.

c) Including interactive quizzes to test users' knowledge of art history.

d) Offering a platform for users to create and share their own artistic interpretations.

 How can the "Doctrina Christiana" be utilized today to interpret and relate the significance of arts forms from various regions?

a) By analyzing its linguistic content alongside indigenous art forms.

b) By digitizing its illustrations and comparing them with contemporary artworks.

c) By organizing exhibitions that juxtapose its religious iconography with indigenous artifacts.

d) By hosting virtual lectures discussing its impact on cultural exchanges during the colonial period.

 Which aspect characterizes contemporary Philippine art?

a) Strict adherence to traditional artistic techniques

b) Focus solely on aesthetic beauty

c) Engagement with modern themes and issues

d) Emphasis on preserving ancient cultural practices

 Which t is the significance of Baybayin in contemporary Philippine art?

a) It serves as a symbol of American influence that can affect our values

b) It has no relevance to modern Filipino identity but it's part of our history

c) It is used to express Filipino identity and reclaim cultural heritage

d) It represents Spanish colonial oppression until right now proving history is real

In promoting arts from the region of the Philippines, which approach would be most effective in engaging a diverse audience?

a) Hosting virtual workshops featuring traditional art techniques specific to each region.

b) Creating an online platform for artists to showcase their works alongside historical context.

c) Organizing cultural festivals that highlight performances and exhibitions from different Philippine regions.

d) Establishing partnerships with local schools to incorporate regional arts into their curriculum.

  Which approach can create more enhancement the effectiveness of social media in promoting arts from the regions of the Philippines and appealing to the younger generation?

a) Sharing written articles about the regional view art forms.

b) Hosting live virtual tours of art galleries in the Philippines.

c) Posting sporadic updates about local art events that can freely use. 

d) Uploading low-quality images of artworks without context.

d) A brief and s

Answer key to generated soon .........



The Department of Education (DepEd) typically provides guidelines for the standard of examination in Periodical and Quality Assessments. Here are some common guidelines that may be included:

  1. Alignment with Curriculum: Examination items should be aligned with the curriculum standards and learning competencies specified by DepEd.

  2. Validity and Reliability: Examination items should be valid and reliable measures of students' understanding of the subject matter. They should accurately assess what students have learned.

  3. Cognitive Levels: Examination items should target various cognitive levels, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, depending on the learning objectives.

  4. Diversity of Items: There should be a variety of item types, such as multiple-choice, true/false, matching, short answer, and essay questions, to assess different types of knowledge and skills.

  5. Clear Instructions: Instructions for each examination should be clear and easy to understand to avoid confusion among students.

  6. Appropriate Difficulty: Examination items should be appropriately challenging for the grade level and abilities of the students taking the exam.

  7. Avoidance of Bias: Examination items should be free from bias and discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or socio-economic status.

  8. Time Limit: The examination should be designed to be completed within a reasonable time frame, considering the grade level and complexity of the content.

  9. Fairness: Examination procedures should be fair to all students, ensuring equal opportunities for success.

  10. Feedback Mechanism: There should be a system in place for providing feedback to students on their performance, allowing them to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

These guidelines help ensure that examinations in DepEd schools are fair, valid, and reliable measures of student learning and achievement. They also contribute to the overall quality of education by promoting effective assessment practices.

As of my last update in January 2022, I don't have access to specific Memorandum Orders (MOs) issued by the Department of Education (DepEd) regarding general instructions for examinations or periodical assessments. However, typically, such MOs would provide guidelines and instructions to DepEd officials, school administrators, and teachers regarding the conduct of examinations and assessments.

These instructions often include:

  1. Purpose: Clarifying the purpose of the examination or assessment, whether it's for evaluating student learning, diagnosing learning gaps, or providing feedback to teachers and students.

  2. Coverage: Specifying the scope and coverage of the examination or assessment, including the subjects, topics, and competencies to be assessed.

  3. Format: Outlining the format of the examination, including the types of items or questions (e.g., multiple-choice, essay, performance-based) and the allocation of points or marks.

>Administration Procedures: Providing instructions on how to administer the examination, including the schedule, venue, duration, and any special accommodations for students with disabilities or special needs.
  • Security: Emphasizing the importance of maintaining the security and confidentiality of examination materials to prevent cheating or irregularities.

  • Scoring and Grading: Providing guidelines for scoring and grading the examination, including any rubrics or scoring guides to ensure consistency and fairness.

  • Reporting: Specifying the procedures for reporting examination results to students, parents, and relevant stakeholders, as well as any timelines for submitting scores or data to DepEd authorities.

  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring that the examination or assessment meets quality standards set by DepEd, including validity, reliability, and fairness.

  • Professional Development: Offering guidance or resources to support teachers in preparing students for the examination and interpreting assessment results effectively.

  • Compliance: Reminding stakeholders to comply with relevant DepEd policies, regulations, and ethical standards during the conduct of examinations and assessments.

  • For specific instructions and guidelines on examinations or periodical assessments, educators and administrators should refer to the latest Memorandum Orders, issuances, or guidelines issued by the DepEd at the national or regional level. These documents are typically available on the official DepEd website or through official communication channels.

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